The Club WILL ONLY BE OFFERING AGTIV MYCO AT THE SEMINAR If you will be offering some or have a source to be added please email the club so it can be added to the list/page for all growers. MYCORRHIZAL INOCULANT $40/2.5 lb bag,
quantities over 5 lbs please contact us for pricing
GVGO Sweatshirts & T-Shirts & Hats- email GVGO
1kg bag is $25.00
5kg Pail is $100.00
10kg Pail is $200.00mail to reserve yours to pick up at seminar
Black Earth Humic Products - Bio Ag Representative Mini Granule dry carbon 50lb baG - Bio Ag Representative Organo Liquid hume-humic & fulvic acid - Bio Ag Representative Liquid FulviC - Bio Ag Representative Organic Gem Liquid Fish - Bio Ag Representative Agrigro Bio-stimulants - Bio Ag Representative
Ignite 2 soil and starter supplement Foliar Blend Monty's Liquid Plant Food 8-16-8 growth formula 2-15-15 root and bloom formula Liquid calcium nitrate & corn sugar Molasses - Bio Ag Representative, local feed store
Other Sources
WOW Products -