Sorry to say our sponsor has decided to cut $950 from the prize money for this years weigh off. Sad enough they cut it out, but even worse they never informed any of us running the weigh off! I found out 1 hour ago.
New prize structure:
1st - $2000 2nd - $750 3rd - $300 4th - $50 5th - 10th - $25
Tomato, Long gourd and Large face sunflower:
1st - $150 2nd - $75 3rd - $25
Registration is 9 - 11 and you can register at the event
Are you coming to the weigh off today? I'll watch for you
I have checked wallaceburg pumpkinfest facebook and web page but it does not mention any where how to enter a competetion
Prize package is back to the original
Yep, your right John and I guess the money isn't really the issue. Issue is they never told us. I'm on the phone and emailing people and now have to do it all over again and say oh you know what, the tomato is worth half of what I told you yesterday. At the seminar this spring there were two people that said they were coming to the weigh off because of the small veg prize money. That's why I asked Kirk to do a mass email (thank you Kirk) so they wouldn't drive for 3 1/2 hours and say to me what's going told me this and it's half that amount.
That’s still an impressive prize package Zeke.