The Executive is working on a line of questions for it's members to be taken very seriously. The future of the club will be helped by these answers.
We currently have 200 members not including Hall of Fame members who are not required to pay dues. The club spends approx. 65% of its budget on the seminar (hall rental, greeting snacks and meal), awards, prizes, master grower coats (3 this year), payout of contests and plaques. Other club costs are Seed sorting, postage, Auction,
newsletter and printing.

Please fill out the survey when posted and add any comments you might have positive/negative. Thanks Your Executive
Hi Mr. Chenier,
I think you forgot to attach the survey, and my Mom said please don't fold the club before I get a jacket, I'm working on it.
P.S Could you create a junior division (16 and younger) and talk with the 4-H to see if some of there youth members would join if you created a junior division and if you set up a booth at some fairs with a few seeds and growing instructions.
Thanks Simon Southwell