So this is it
The last hurrah
The final week to grow
We've gotten this far
The year has been full
The weather most will like
More time at home
Hoping our fever doesn't spike
For me no records
No personal bests
An early frost in September
Has the patch a real mess
The giants are present though
The squash have done well
Where they finish in the standings
Only time will tell
Cover your face
Don't forget your mask
The weighoffs are upon us
Fruit to scale the final task
All the best and safe travels
To your chosen weighoff site
Watch for train tracks and potholes
And hope nothing goes light
(1167 Jarvis*)

(1217 Jarvis)

From all my lurking on the forums I'm used to seeing the incredibly massive pumpkins everyone grows, but is that a monster of a sun flower in the background!?