So here's my line up for the year, under a month until planting!

Will plant 1 of each of the pumpkins as well as the 2 unlabeled which are my own 719.5 (1608 Bryson×952.5 McCallum).
The squash will plant both of the 652.5 McCallum and one of each of the rest.
I will plant 1 of each of the field pumpkins (not for another month and a half).
Will plant 2 of the long gourds, and all 3 bushel gourd seeds.
I already started watermelon, may be a little early but I'll never know if I don't experiment.

This cutie from my 93 DMG UOW (202.5 crews×202.5 crews) popped today around 40 hours in paper towel method, just getting ready to put it in the soil.
I've got 1 more 93 pounder in paper towel and 2 80.5 De Visser, and 2 160.5 McKenzie. Hopefully will have 4-5 sprout.
My plan is to grow a total of 3 watermelons, 3 field pumpkins, 2 Bushel gourds, 1 long gourd, 5 pumpkins, 3-4 squash, 3 sunflowers, 3 corn, and 9 tomatoes. Hoping for a new PB in all the categories, depending on how this year goes, maybe the 4000 pound club, and GVGO master grower, and it's looking good for weigh offs this year so I should be able to weigh all of them!
Good luck to all in their growing season!
4.16 pounds. My 3rd best ever. Off of the 6.01 Montgomery. Plant got killed by all the frost we've gotten recently, so I picked the tomato when I had the chance. Fingers crossed it'll last for a week to go to Wellington.
My Bushel Gourd off of the 181 Kline is past 200 pounds. It's plants mostly dead, so I may pick it early depends if the vine is rotting.
My rutabaga still looks good, so I should be able to bring it to!