So here's my line up for the year, under a month until planting!

Will plant 1 of each of the pumpkins as well as the 2 unlabeled which are my own 719.5 (1608 Bryson×952.5 McCallum).
The squash will plant both of the 652.5 McCallum and one of each of the rest.
I will plant 1 of each of the field pumpkins (not for another month and a half).
Will plant 2 of the long gourds, and all 3 bushel gourd seeds.
I already started watermelon, may be a little early but I'll never know if I don't experiment.

This cutie from my 93 DMG UOW (202.5 crews×202.5 crews) popped today around 40 hours in paper towel method, just getting ready to put it in the soil.
I've got 1 more 93 pounder in paper towel and 2 80.5 De Visser, and 2 160.5 McKenzie. Hopefully will have 4-5 sprout.
My plan is to grow a total of 3 watermelons, 3 field pumpkins, 2 Bushel gourds, 1 long gourd, 5 pumpkins, 3-4 squash, 3 sunflowers, 3 corn, and 9 tomatoes. Hoping for a new PB in all the categories, depending on how this year goes, maybe the 4000 pound club, and GVGO master grower, and it's looking good for weigh offs this year so I should be able to weigh all of them!
Good luck to all in their growing season!
4.16 pounds. My 3rd best ever. Off of the 6.01 Montgomery. Plant got killed by all the frost we've gotten recently, so I picked the tomato when I had the chance. Fingers crossed it'll last for a week to go to Wellington.
My Bushel Gourd off of the 181 Kline is past 200 pounds. It's plants mostly dead, so I may pick it early depends if the vine is rotting.
My rutabaga still looks good, so I should be able to bring it to!
Big tomato wet way light, and came 2nd yesterday. 4th place pumpkin, 3rd place squash, 1st place sunflower, 2nd place watermelon. All in all a decent year. Now we wait a month for Wellington!
The big tomato is hiding in its tent waiting for this rain to pass, just making sure it won't split.
Coming off Friday for Bracebridge, stay tuned!
Picked a tomato that was still green, no sign of flashing, but it is getting displayed at a local fair this weekend. A little light due to shape and being unripe, but all in all a pound off a PB and second largest ever
I have a bigger one sitting for Bracebridge looking like PB territory, probably by a lot 🙂
But anyway, first entry for team 9 at 3.73 pounds off of the 3.69 DeMars
Go team 9!!!
Fruit at DAP 30, only 248 pounds. But consistent 15 per day
Hopefully, it's just a late grower and hasn't peaked yet, but on less than 150 sq ft of plant, it's doing decent.
Plus, this tomato bloom looks decent for an early September fruit.
This corn in the middle is tasseling at 8-9 ft. The sunflower beside it and the corn to the far left are my only chances at tall things this year.
Here's some good tomatoes. Above is my own 4.87, below is the 2.59 DeMars (grew my 4.87 last year). Started late, but growing well, so I should have something mid-late September and hopefully into October. I have 14 plants (I think), because I lost a couple.
Rutabaga is massive! I measured at 40 inch circumference, I figure 40+ pounds. It doesn't have amazing foliage anymore, but hopefully it can still out on some weight into August and September.
Here's our pumpkin off of the McCallum squash. I may have mixed up seeds, but it isn't likely. DAP 20, 100.6 pounds. It has potential to reach 700+ before the local fair in early September.
Rutabaga looks amazing at 32+ inches circumference. Hope to pass 50 lbs.
Corn looks good at 4 ft. Behind last year, but I should be able to make it up if I keep it growing.
Sunflower also good at 5 ft. Again, way behind. But I only need consistent growth through August and it'll be fine.
Pumpkin has started to vine out some secondaries. Watermelon has a flower coming should be pollination in the next 2 weeks. Squash is doing bad, had 5 starts only 3 are squash. But we do have a nice ~5 DAP pumpkin on one of them.
More tomatoes will be put out tomorrow, they're looking good, but behind last year.. hopefully I'll make 6 pounds before October.
Rutabaga is growing well.
Planted 5 tomatoes out far more to come.
This sunflower and corn have potential if the weather is good. They might hit 18+ ft.
These sunflower are heading at 8 ft, which leads me to believe planting early causes early heading. I'll plant later next year
Then there's this. I'm extremely embarrassed about it, but planting a month late due to a frost, it's not too bad.
Hopefully the pumpkin will keep growing and can get late July pollination, it will have 1.5-2 months till my local fair. If it's a warm fall, maybe 600-700 is possible? We'll see.
Rutabaga is getting huge!!!!
About 25-26 inch Circ, hard to measure though.
Thinking maybe 15 pounds now, maybe topping 60 by PEC weigh off!
Planting 9 today.
But hey, I've got space for 18-20 plants in the garden, so it's 6 pounds or bust this year!!!
On another note, to attempt to combat the rodent problems in my carrots and sunflowers, I have taken dried Red Ghost Scorpion peppers (cross between Ghost and Butch Scorpion, 1.1-1.4 million Scoville) and ground them up and spread the powder around the plants. If this works, I'll definitely grow them again, we'll see how it goes.
Planting 9 today.
But hey, I've got space for 18-20 plants in the garden, so it's 6 pounds or bust this year!!!
On another note, to attempt to combat the rodent problems in my carrots and sunflowers, I have taken dried Red Ghost Scorpion peppers (cross between Ghost and Butch Scorpion, 1.1-1.4 million Scoville) and ground them up and spread the powder around the plants. If this works, I'll definitely grow them again, we'll see how it goes.
Most stuff is looking bad. My pumpkins died from frost, replanted and the new ones don't want to take off. My watermelon is decent I guess, but not enough sun yet. Sunflowers were looking amazing, but something is trying to eat them, so that won't help. Rutabaga is growing like crazy, but with great growth comes great splitting, hopefully it'll hold up. Long gourds, Feild pumpkins, and tomatoes could all potentially be PB as they have a long season still. And Bushel Gourds are doing well, surprisingly, and any BG will be a PB!
Got some tomatoes started last weekend. More to come tomorrow and next week. Still unsure how many I'll grow, minimum of 9, maybe 18, but gotta pass 5 lbs this year!
Being an "A" grower is an unexpected challenge, but I'll embrace it and try to help my team with all the information I have gathered from my last 2 years of growing and researching tomatoes.
Team 9 for the win!!!
Most stuff is looking bad. My pumpkins died from frost, replanted and the new ones don't want to take off. My watermelon is decent I guess, but not enough sun yet. Sunflowers were looking amazing, but something is trying to eat them, so that won't help. Rutabaga is growing like crazy, but with great growth comes great splitting, hopefully it'll hold up. Long gourds, Feild pumpkins, and tomatoes could all potentially be PB as they have a long season still. And Bushel Gourds are doing well, surprisingly, and any BG will be a PB!
Got some tomatoes started last weekend. More to come tomorrow and next week. Still unsure how many I'll grow, minimum of 9, maybe 18, but gotta pass 5 lbs this year!
Being an "A" grower is an unexpected challenge, but I'll embrace it and try to help my team with all the information I have gathered from my last 2 years of growing and researching tomatoes.
Team 9 for the win!!!
A late and unexpected frost killed some of my pumpkins, but thankfully not the squash, so I replanted a couple 719.5 DeVisser and 1593 Hunt.
The squirrels decided that my sunflowers and corn were tasty, so they have a couple replanted. The ones that survived are around last year's.
The only thing ahead is my rutabaga at 2 inches across, so we'll see if I can get one to harvest this year.
I will start field pumpkins next weekend and tomatoes the weekend after that.
Planted out on Sunday put the pics wouldn't post, do I'll see if I can get that up soon.
Final lineup: 719.5 DeVisser, 1696 Kline, 1939 Hunt/Lyons, 661.5 McCallum, 1528 Sikorski.
Started seeds yesterday! Don't have many pictures of other things as power went out from a huge wind storm for nearly a full day.