The GVGO is a non-profit organization dedicated to the growing of giant vegetables for the purpose of competition, display and enjoyment. We are a family oriented group of gardening enthusiasts, formed to unite all the giant vegetable growers of Ontario & Canada by promoting and sharing our vast knowledge and experience with all growers.
As Canada's largest Giant Vegetable Club, we would like to extend our hand out to all the growers of Ontario and throughout the world to help our members understand the importance of good gardening practices & to help them reach their goals……Good Luck.
Mike Demars Memorial
As the 2024 season comes to a close, kudos to everyone who participated in this year’s Mike Demars Memorial Tomato Contest. It’s been a tough year for many tomato growers, with weather and other factors impacting the growing season, and we understand that not everyone was able to submit entries. Your dedication and passion for growing giant tomatoes, despite the challenges, is truly appreciated.
After tallying the results, I am pleased to announce that the winner of this year's GVGO Tomato Contest is Team 1 — John Butler, Pat Watson, and Travis Farrell — with a total tomato weight of 22.06 lbs! Congratulations on a fantastic accomplishment! The winning team members will each get a free 2025 GVGO membership.
Additionally, I’d like to recognize a few growers who achieved new personal bests this season! Despite the challenges, your hard work paid off, and it’s great to see growers continuing to push their limits and improve year after year:
Pat Watson: 5.59 lbs
Johannes Offermann: 5.19 lbs
Brian Devisser: 5.03 lbs
Lonnie Bourne: 3.75 lbs
Jacob Chenier: 1.05 lbs
Thank you again to all our growers. We hope everyone enjoyed participating, and we look forward to even bigger and better tomatoes next year! Stay tuned for more club events and updates. Wishing you all a great fall season!
Welcome to the Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario (GVGO) website!
The GVGO is Canada's largest gardening club, focusing on growing giant pumpkins & many other varieties of giant vegetables. Here you will find all the info you need to get you & your family started growing giant vegetables.
Join Us & receive free seeds to get you going on the right track & use our discussion board to ask experienced growers for their help & advice! .... FIND OUT MORE!
2025 Membership: Jan 1, 2025* - Dec 31, 2025
*To receive a 2025 Seed Pack, membership must be paid by February 15,2024
*Must be paid by May 1, 2025 to be eligible for 2025 contests.
2024 was a fun and exciting year at our provincial weigh offs! Find the list of provincial weigh off results here!
Seed Sorting done by Jeff Warner. Send only pre-packed and labeled seeds for distribution to:
Jeff Warner
487413 Aidie Creek Rd,
Englehart, ON P0J 1H0
Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario
111 Ontario Ave.
Komoka, ON
N0L 1R0